For those of you who don't know, beat poetry was a kind of free style way of writing poetry and novels during the 1950s. This kind of underground scene was known as the "Beat Movement" and became well known after the release of Jack Kerouac's novel, "On the Road". The beats were also kind of the precursors to the hippy movement and the radicalization of America during the 1960s. The beats were basically against mainstream society, and sought alternate lifestyles,and tried stuff which at the time were considered taboo, like recreational drug use, such as pot, speed, heroin, methamphetamines, etc. They often would listen to swing, Be Bop, Jazz, and Folk music. Some fameous beat poets would be Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Gary Snyder, etc. So my question is, do you like beat poetry? Peace!