does any one know any good poems? any kind! i don't care! as long as if it is a poem!?
2007-05-24 17:15:44 UTC
so do you? if you do i like to hear it! plz!-Ashley:)
Nine answers:
2007-05-24 17:19:18 UTC
here is a poem that I wrote last month. It is one of my favorites that I have done.


The willow bends to see the gale,

And dance among the breeze,

As the storm should tell a tale,

Of the churning seas,

The beauty of the tossing waves,

And brawl between the wars,

To the wind the birds are slaves,

Sailing to the shores,

A boat upon the ocean deep,

Small as a grain of sand,

Never can be seen to weep,

From the end of land,

Clouds could be seen forevermore,

And the sky a gorgeous blue,

The tide should take to it ashore,

A panoramic view,

The willow took to every word,

And wished to see the world,

But still it knew it stayed anchored,

So it came unfurled,

Reaching its branches to the earth,

And taking in the sun,

Valuing the world’s own worth,

And feeling it as one.
2007-05-24 17:29:19 UTC
*This is a poem I wrote, if you like it, e-mail me and I can give you some more.

Cry and Dream of You

I pass you in the halls

You look me in the eyes.

Not knowing how I feel inside.

Yeah we're good friends, and that will never change

But still I wonder why you make me feel this way.

You have no idea how hard I've tried to get over you

But all I ever do is cry and then dream of you.

O how I wish you knew how much I do love you

but for now I try to block out these dreadful, yet beautiful

thoughts of you, but all I ever do is cry myself to you and then

dream of you.
Thank U 2
2007-05-24 17:20:43 UTC
I love the name Ashley. My favorite great niece is named Ashley (Ash for short) ...

The best poem in the world is any poem by Keats. In my opinion. You should pick up a book of Keats poetry. If you love poetry you would carry it with you always.
Baby Kangaroo
2007-05-24 17:23:53 UTC
look up pablo neruda...

A Dog Has Died

My dog has died.

I buried him in the garden

next to a rusted old machine.

Some day I'll join him right there,

but now he's gone with his shaggy coat,

his bad manners and his cold nose,

and I, the materialist, who never believed

in any promised heaven in the sky

for any human being,

I believe in a heaven I'll never enter.

Yes, I believe in a heaven for all dogdom

where my dog waits for my arrival

waving his fan-like tail in friendship.

Ai, I'll not speak of sadness here on earth,

of having lost a companion

who was never servile.

His friendship for me, like that of a porcupine

withholding its authority,

was the friendship of a star, aloof,

with no more intimacy than was called for,

with no exaggerations:

he never climbed all over my clothes

filling me full of his hair or his mange,

he never rubbed up against my knee

like other dogs obsessed with sex.

No, my dog used to gaze at me,

paying me the attention I need,

the attention required

to make a vain person like me understand

that, being a dog, he was wasting time,

but, with those eyes so much purer than mine,

he'd keep on gazing at me

with a look that reserved for me alone

all his sweet and shaggy life,

always near me, never troubling me,

and asking nothing.

Ai, how many times have I envied his tail

as we walked together on the shores of the sea

in the lonely winter of Isla Negra

where the wintering birds filled the sky

and my hairy dog was jumping about

full of the voltage of the sea's movement:

my wandering dog, sniffing away

with his golden tail held high,

face to face with the ocean's spray.

Joyful, joyful, joyful,

as only dogs know how to be happy

with only the autonomy

of their shameless spirit.

There are no good-byes for my dog who has died,

and we don't now and never did lie to each other.

So now he's gone and I buried him,

and that's all there is to it.

Translated, from the Spanish, by Alfred Yankauer

Pablo Neruda
2007-05-24 17:37:25 UTC
i've got one! even though i don't like writing that much!

whole new place by:Me, Megan

i can't see nothing but darkness.

i feel such as if i was a loser.

no one would open the doors so i could be free.

i'm alone with no one with me.

i'm only asking, please, please, please.

come and great me out of this room.

a person like me wants to be set free and fly high.

i feel like a girl who has a broken leg that can not walk.

as i most let myself free be for i die.

but then suddley.

a voice comes up to me.

with every word he says, every move he makes

he makes me feel like he is my hero.

it feels like someone has fix my broken leg.

now that he and i know we belong togther.

he'll never let me down when i need him.

thank you for leting me free again.

thanks to him, he has let me fly high.

thank you.

i am now in a new world with so many dreams.

nothing could stop me not even my fears.

thank you for reading my poem! i just made that up any way!

lol! hope you still enjoyed it!-MeganXD
2007-05-28 10:30:55 UTC
I loved the Neruda poem. I knew he was from S. America and didn't know his stuff was translated. Now I gotta read him.
2007-05-24 17:53:33 UTC
do u want russian ones?


Pachemy druzya za spenoi kleveshyat

pachemy ludi radi, a v dushe lish skarbyat

pachemy na zemle tolka losh i abman

pachemy na ume ludei tolka durman

etat mir ved jivot vo grehe i vo zle

ani ved ot Boga uje v starane

y ludei est svoi lichni kumir

ani sami ne vidyat shto katyatsa v mir

pachemy ludi veryat shto kanets im predot

i ne znaut shto Bog ih tuda ne vazmot



Taesh Ti

Taesh ti tak bistra, taesh na glazah

nu astanavis i padumai na mngnovenye

ti je bil ochen rad v maih rukah

prasti chto etih bolshe net prikasnaveniy

prasti menya tebya ya umalyau

plachy ya i k serdtsu prilagau

vce slava shto ti mne adnajdi gavaril

chto patseluiy, sekreti, i obyatiy menya padaril

vspamenau tolka o tebe ya kajdi den

vspamenau i ti v maih mislyah kak ten

teper mi oba znaem shto vce pazadi

no paslushai ya skaju tebe atkravena

y menya k tebe ostalas v sertse ne mnoga lubvi

ya hachu shtob y nas bila vco ravnomerno

lubov ti prav ne kakda ne umeraet

lubov k tebe ne kakda bed ne umrot

lubov ti prav bce k sertsu prejimaet

kak silni lev lubov mne chustva rvot
mark f
2007-05-24 17:30:40 UTC
one dark morning, in the middle of the night,

two dead boys got up to fight.

back to back they faced each other,

pulled their swords and shot each other.

the old dead policeman heard the noise,

came over and shot the two dead boys.

if you don't believe this story is true,

ask the blind man, he saw it too.


2007-05-24 17:27:45 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.