2008-07-02 14:37:49 UTC
How can I be who you want me to be
When I don’t want to be who I am
What will it take to make you happy
If it takes your happiness to make me
What do I have to give to you
Why do you give all you have to me
In my black hole of emotional knowledge
Out of my mind with misguided guilt
Hoping for voids to be filled with pleasure
Hating the battles that make the war
Breaking straws that hold my back up
Draining life from over filled hearts
Clarity clouding over tranquil scenes
Dewdrop mornings of full moon days
Pacing the runners in this rat race
Moments captured from a lifetime lost
Hopeless haven for romantic gestures
Eternal cynic still seeking serenity
Show me the way to the edge
I promise not to jump off
If you’re out there come forward
Please steer me to the light