2008-06-09 11:17:05 UTC
Oh how happy was the day
My momma would say to me
My little girl so sweet and fair
Let's string buttons up today.
She would take that old fruit jar out
So filled with colors so bright
Of buttons of all shapes and sizes
Yellow, pink, blue and gold.
Momma where did this one come from?
I would always have to ask.
Even though I had ask before
I always ask again
Oh that one so bright blue with the gold
Came off that old dress of mine
The one I worn when you were a babe
When I held you close in my arms.
Tell me about that day momma
I know you have told me before
I just think it's so sweet those
Old things you say
Now child we will get no buttons strung
If we stop at every single one
To chatter about this and that
And where each one came from
But momma I like to hear about
This button and that one there
Did you say this is the one off daddy's shirts
Or is it the one over there.
No my child this one come
Off your brothers shirts back when
You were just a tiny thing
They would rip and romp back then.
Momma look how pretty
This tiny pink one is
Oh mommy where did it
Come from and when
Sweet daughter that one is yours
Off your baby dress
I don't want to ever loose it
It's my most favorite yet.
Oh momma let's don't string buttons
Let's just talk today
For I know your up in heaven
But you can hear me anyway
I have your buttons all around me
Scattered all about
Each one a precious memory
Of each a garment someone wore.
Momma you taught me much
But what means the most to me
Is to remember the sweet, sweet memories
Of the things we leave behind.