Lapiz Dominoes.
2012-08-10 19:59:47 UTC
"I have made near-heroic efforts to escape them:
They are lodged into
the walls of
the bathroom
the bedroom
the hallways
the stairway
the sit-talking-on-the-hone-worn-by-use-concaved stair by my drawing-room
the master bedroom
my study
the keyholes
the furniture
the paintwork
the blinds,
shards of my heart snag me, right, left and centre;
they cut deep into my bare feet, on the parquet and upon the floorboards;
they jagged-cruel point at me, angular lethal form
the ceilings
the light-fittings
the window-frames.
Worse,the bedding
patchwork quilts
broderie-anglaise coverlets
marbled gallery halls
market stalls
(It could not face the horrors of hospitals
Quixotic though I thought that it was)
because ambulances were a-glint bristling with tiered splinters old and pointing alarmingly
I am pierced, scratched, scraped
even the drapes prick my fingers
ever the pain - dripping - lingers.
One day
I sent an adventurous tiny fragment left, of my heart, my heart
and I was out-splintered, indeed -
shards of hearts upon
in restaurants
concert halls
window - boxes
trees a-shard, bright, hard, branching up to the gentle skies
splinters and . near - lethal Cupid`s heart - darts aimed, willy-nilly, too;
Courts of Law were overcrowded , not an inch to spare from HUGE splinters
Just think - it must be more, far - much more than some resilience's miracle
that any of us have any heart left at all;
For such a shattered truly spattered scattered heartless species
We`re a Living Example of resiliences shared
But oh, I`m too sore, afraid , -
to let my remaining sacred shard - of -this -heart again...roam.
For - Some shards of hearts out there float, gleam with slime in gutters:
They have no home; in which to lodge their points.
So, I dodge the splinters here, and I sew cushions of verse
Scatter - Cushions - so - life is not absolutely collaterally irreparably worse.
My heart has seen far worse and - survived, but -
Should - you know - of any Very wise, jaggedy-shard-from-bedding-remover,
I`d be very very much less scarred, and I`d be obliged,.and praises I`d offer with renewed ado..
If you would send such Being here - to remove the splinters of heart, in my bed get them back in
my heart`s space,they`d re- fit as naturally as song sung by some innocent child,upon sweet whim. "