start by picking a form (ie haiku, sonnet, free verse) I prefer the sonnet.
second decide a rhyme seem (aa,bb/abab/aabab/ ect) i like aa bb i.e "the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water SPOUT, down came the rain and washed the spider OUT"
then make words
why do we praise people that are only in for cash
why don't we praise the ones out there getting slash'
what about the doctor that saves your little girl
what about the soldier fighting for your world (i realize these don't exactly rhyme)
why the celeb with a million-dollar smile
Over the man who has seen the real trial?
why the music man with no soul
over the solider that paid the final toll?
why the hot guy that you will never meet
over the man who saved a boy from a horrid feat
why the druggie on TV
over the fireman or EMT
why the rapper without a giving heart
over the starving vet working minimum wage at walmart?
now you try and find about 5 more reasons and end with a summarizing couplet