What does this poem mean?
2007-05-09 17:46:17 UTC
Hazy autumn moon
the sound of chestnuts dropping
from an empty sky
I gather your belongings
into boxes for the poor
Eighteen answers:
2007-05-10 03:40:58 UTC
sounds like the speaker is lamenting onset of want when poverty knocks on the front door like chestnuts dropping from an empty sky.
La Lulu
2007-05-13 23:46:08 UTC
Autumn comes before the bitter winter, which is near and the sky is empty except for the moon which is only seen thru a haze...all seems so vast and awesome, but lonely too. The chestnuts, though unseen, are heard falling from a nearby tree, which is dying away for the winter, yet leaves acorns, which means life for future trees and small animals. Then "your" things are put into boxes for the poor. "You" no longer need them, as "you" are gone, but the things you left behind will help the ones that go on living. So I am lonely, seemingly lost, without you, like the moon in the vast sky. All I have is a hazy memory of your shining presence. The winter of your life came and I was there with you in the autumn of your life and you left behind the hope of the springtime, when you left your seeds behind and they're planted firmly in my mind.

2007-05-13 03:59:47 UTC
Except for the five lines, this fits much of the pattern of a haiku. The format is a connection between nature, a season and a moment of awakening or intense feeling. "Hazy autumn moon" is a familiar haiku kigo. Autumn is a season of loss -- "empty sky." Gathering belongings for the poor says death to me. I'd say the speaker had a loved one die suddenly and they are feeling that empty sense of hopelessness, so they are giving the loved one's things to do good for others, so they can see some meaning or value in this loss.
2007-05-10 00:51:56 UTC
Sounds like it means somebody is traveling around the chestnut trees on a autumn night gathering chestnuts for the poor.
2007-05-10 00:51:35 UTC
I don't understand how the chestnuts drop from the "empty" sky if you just said there was a hazy autumn moon out. but anyways, it means she dumped this guy on an autumn night and she's giving all his stuff to the poor so that he can inadvertently do something unselfish.
2007-05-10 00:55:00 UTC
Someone has lost a loved one, and has to gather their belongings and will be giving them to the poor. Maybe the chestnuts represent the rain falling hard.

(i like this poem)
2007-05-10 00:52:32 UTC
The parting of a loved one, either through death (most likely as it has been tradition to pass on the clothes of the deceased to the poor) and the loneliness the person is feeling while tending to the task.
2007-05-10 00:54:39 UTC
it's fall, things die which usually represents change or transition in literature. empty sky might represent sadness and being alone in a vast and beautiful world. they could be getting back at somebody by giving their stuff away or it could be about losing a loved one.
2007-05-13 20:55:10 UTC
The real question and the way poetry should be deciphered is - what does the poem mean to you when you read it? What and how do you feel? That's how poetry should be read and understood, by the reader.
jennifer p
2007-05-10 00:56:45 UTC
it sounds to me that, in a relaxed and decisive state, someone has made up their mind, with a heavy heart but with lots of reasons to do so, to say good bye to someone they care about and send them on their way. A good bye, most definitely.
2007-05-10 01:23:31 UTC
You left me, I waited and you didn't return, so I'll get on with my life and give your unwanted things away!
2007-05-10 01:11:56 UTC
its been a year of losing someone special and its about time to let go and build new life.
2007-05-10 00:51:23 UTC
It sounds like you died and they are giving your stuff to charity.
Blessed and Happy
2007-05-10 00:50:56 UTC
it means you are being put out. they are packing your stuff and taking it to the salvation army.
2007-05-10 00:53:33 UTC
a garage sale? ;) er, a midnight garage sale!
2007-05-14 00:34:46 UTC
It is about disillusionment of love.
2007-05-10 00:49:16 UTC
it means i want you out and i'm throwing away your stuff.
2007-05-10 00:55:15 UTC
well it is a bout autumn duh but it is a botu someone moving on from some kind of loss

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