2008-05-26 06:52:19 UTC
The Westshitzer Kennel Club Poetry Competition
by TD Euwaite
“They’re bringing in the Iambic Group now. What a gorgeous
pack of animals we have on display tonight, Bob.”
“That’s right, Nonbob, this is the crème de la menthe, the
top of the hump, the dog of the dogs.”
“Let’s hear from our first animal, the Bichon Frise.”
bark BARK bark BARK bark BARK bark BARK bark BARK.
“What tones, what candor, a canine Shakespeare.
What do you think, Bob?”
“You hit my nail on the head that time, Nonbob.”
“Next, we have the Irish Wolfhound.”
bark BARK bark BARK bark BARK bark BARK bark BARK.
“The classic Celtic brogue; the sorrow, the pity…
and, our last animal, the Orange Tabby.”
meOW meOW meOW meOW meOW.
“This certainly ushers in a new day here at Westshitzer, wouldn’t
you say, Bob?”
“I tell you, Nonbob, this is the most disgraceful display I’ve ever
been witness to…if you don’t count that time my wife…”
“That’s it from Murgdeson Square Garden.
Goodnight, Dog World!”