2009-02-11 06:11:26 UTC
Clickety Clank Clickety Clank
The Demagogues have to walk the plank
I'm not there , I'm at the altar
You'r over there ,your plan is to falter
Guess who did it, did it not?
Round and round the merry go about?
Wait that's misplacement, where could it have gone?
Forgot where it was kept, didn't lose it for long.
Back again under a new guise
But not for long for I have re-rised
Try you may, think you might
Eitherway, Players of the game.
You are in for a fright.
So Hackety Hack and Plackety Plack sat on the wall
One had a massive great fall.
The other lived and sung a few songs
Yet it's tirade didn't last very long.
So what is the aim, I pray you do say.
One day or another, one way , today?
Fast forward it, Oh yes here we are.
What was the end?
Never mind, lost in transit.
Ah yes.
But all the horses and all the kings men.
Can never put the vertebrae back again
Tell me what you all think.