Gothic Mermaid
2010-12-09 19:11:54 UTC
How And When?
How and when?
How and when will the healing start? When will this world love me? When will it accept me?
I was happy, I was! Almost every thing seemed long and calm, far from the hell reached from above. It was all so perfect all so calm but little did I know that the world hated. Hated Me. Hated my happy. Hated love. Hated the calm sweet dove
How Did I become dead?
Why did my soul die?
The pain is just too deep! I cut so it may seep, It only last for an hour or two but its better than the pain of few. Would you understand?
How and when will you see this?
How and when will you breathe that kiss?
How and when will you save me from death?
How and when will you see that this is an addiction like meth?
Your words are hard and strong of hate. Is this me? Is this fate...?
Your killing me you are. I always see you like a sky stars
How will you save me from this blackness and coldness when did you realize I’ve been told this?
Is it to late now am I gone? Am I seeing things all to wrong?
How and when will you realize your words are strong? They cut me and I cut my self deep so the pain may seep.
Blood after blood drops. All the things that I’ve been taught. To torment to kill to make the pain fill. Fill the heart with the pain so the words will be insane. You can’t tame a soul you can only try but if you do then it may die. The words of ground the word of sky. The soul is wild like water and fire. It may tire. Like earth and wind makes the mind spin.
It’s confusing, I know but do you? How and when did you see you hurt me?
How and when did you see you slashed me? How and when did you see you trashed me?
How and when did you see I craved? How and when will I be saved? FIN
Ok so u like? And PLEASE dont steal my poem I WILL SUE and i actually got this copy right Lol Weird but with money almost everything is possible. Of course i could be lyeing buuut do you really want to take that chance?