Sarah F
2008-09-21 16:11:54 UTC
Someday, I’m going to perfect that song on the piano I started last week
Someday, that guitar solo is going to sound the exact same as it does on CD
Someday I’ll have my own band, with really exciting gigs
Someday I’ll be able to get my music out to millions of people
Someday, I’ll communicate my messages to the world through song
Someday, I’ll be a role model for millions of young women and teens
Someday, I will help others achieve their dreams
Someday, I will prove that the only thing impossible is impossible itself
Someday, I will make people hear melodies of hope
Someday, I will make people sing choruses peace
Someday, everyone will understand what we need to do
Someday, everyone will understand what we’ve already accomplished
Someday, everyone will understand how far we have to go
Someday, is in the distance, but still in reach
Someday starts today
One Window Is All I Need
One window is all I need
To move on from the past
To accept the future
To get carried away in such a world
To see the mountains and the hills ahead
To see the ditches, the holes, the sticks and stones
To see the rainbows, and wonder what is at the end
To see the stars and wonder how long they will shine
To understand the cycle of the life, evolving before my eyes
One window is all I need
To make a single mistake
To make something right
To learn how to repair something I break
To learn right from wrong
To accept the things I cannot change
To have will power to change the things I can
To help someone in need
To teach them how to do the same
One window is all I need
To know what I want to do with my life
To understand why I was put on this planet
To be a leader to others
To be a follower in my faith
To be an influence to the younger generation
To be the best I can be
To give all I can
To be accomplished