2012-04-26 04:57:04 UTC
Ghosts of what have been
Taunt me whilst I sleep
Whilst I dream
They echo the moods
They echo how I feel
Like a storm
They scream still.
The vibrations in my head
Cause my brain to trip
Rewired, rewritten
I’ve lost my memories
Lost my mind
And yet
And yet I’m still standing.
A broken heart, a broken mind
Emptiness in my heart
In my mind
In my soul
And I can’t find anything
To stop the bleeding
To fill the shattered hole.
I’m being pulled backward through hell
My eyes hurt
And my heart aches
Aches for what it can’t have
And yet I’m still here,
Still alive,
Still standing.
My brother helped me with the last two lines of this one; when he read it, it was originally ''and I'm still here, I'm still alive, I'm still standing" it's not much of a change but I do think that this once sounds better. What do you think?