Cassie, you have rewritten your first verse word-for-word exactly as I suggested in my first answer to this - right down to the punctuation. (With the possible exception of inverted commas around "shown" in line 4.)
L2, V2 - "remembrance of the dead at rest."
L3, V2 -"A deal!", I said. (You've placed the end quotes in the wrong place.)
L3, V2 - "with tender touch" - it doesn't sound so stunted. Comma after "pay".
L1, V3 - "watercolour" all one word.
L4, V3 - "alive and ever-dancing free."
L3, V3 - "I see her in the morning light, she smiles and waves her hand at me." ('Though she wouldn't wave her leg, so you might consider reworking this.)
Synopsis has also made some valid points.
"Mina" seems to be a reactivated account of "you-know-who". Last time he impersonated a female (that I know of), it was a widowed granny in her 70s - now it's a 98 year old. Makes a change from 16 year old boys 'though. Is there no end to his madness I wonder?
The answer is obviously "no", going by his latest rant. A testament to an unstable mind in meltdown - how sad. And he's still insulting you, Cassie - saying, essentially, that you need a psychiatrist. How ironic, considering the latest display of his desperate obsession with you.
And may I just point out, Peter/Darren/James/Mina, that Cassie has come to her own conclusions about you based on how YOU have behaved towards her, NOT because of anything I or anyone else may have said. Do you understand? You and you alone are responsible for your current state of disfavour. There is no plot against you, I have not waged a campaign against you, I have emailed no one in order to bad-mouth you - in the main I do not even give you a second thought - except when you compel me to rebut your absurd flights of fantasy, as is now the case.