2010-02-16 06:00:42 UTC
i wrote most of these in high school:
THIS MUSIC (written as a tribute to Ludwig Van Beethoven’s “moonlight sonata”)
This is the music of the singing soul.
The dancing of the crystal waters.
This music that burns my heart and weeps in the ashes.
It set my soul alight and sends my mind into a drunken stupor.
It tears at my flesh like the thorns of a rose.
Poisoning my with both joy and sorrow.
The music of the laughing willow.
The music of the crying sun.
The music that fills a room with black light and tries to escape.
Pushing and pounding at its walls with a demonic lust.
It burns my mind like phoenix fire, in which new thoughts blossom and expanded.
This is the music that falls on deaf ears.
Which dwindles like a candle in this new world.
But which still stands as strong as the tallest mountains.
This is the music of the loved,
The loath,
The blessed and the cursed
And I love it so, so dearly.
THANK YOU FOR THIS LOVE (i wrote this for my girlfriend)
Thank you for this love I feel with each passing day,
Thank you for the warmth that flows when I hear your name.
Thank you for the happy tears I shed as I read your words,
I love you,
I want you,
I need you.
Words that I can never return with enough love to do them justice.
Thank you for the happiness I feel in your presences,
Thank you for the courage you give me to get though the day,
Thank you for reminding me that I have a heart,
And thank you for giving it the strength to beat again.
For it shale always beat for you...
Thank you for your love, my love, this love
And thank you for the greatest gift of all, you...
too my Angel x
THE CHIME (this was for a school project and the teacher loved it)
The chime of a clock from 1 to 12 is a space of the unknown.
You can live, you can die.
You can celebrate, you can morn.
You can hope, you can grieve.
Even history doesn’t last forever.
Man is something in the eyes of man.
But to the eyes of eternity, we are small.
From life to death, eternity hasn’t moved,
A mere blink
And then… who knows.
Will life blossom once again, only to be extinguished once more?
Will life go on after we leave in some paradise of our own making, or a wasteland of lost hope?
To such secrets, there are no answers.
In which case,
Where are we going?