I have two methods I use to make poetry as an exercise. One is distillation. Example: Take what you wrote above. Chop off unnecessary words.
Lately terrible writer's block can barely write lucky days inspiration lacks things good quality How can I write? I don't want to give up Several things I live for 5 years.
Now I write:
Lucky inspiration days
I lived those 5 years
How can I write? I don't want to give up.
terrible, terrible, I barely write.
That is distillation.
The second is making doggerel sonnets (just to loosen up,) out of the same material:
Lately, I am terribly blocked
Can barely write a phrase
Once my inspirations sparked
I miss those lucky days
My poetry has things lacking
including any quality.
I don't want to give up trying
So how could I write good poetry?
Writing poetry in general, It's
one of the things I live for
But now my tries are the pits
For five years I wrote before
I'll skip a stanza and save you time
And put an end to this awful rhyme.
After that I usually feel inspired, or at least I can laugh at myself.
Good Luck and thanks for the question.