2007-08-29 21:25:42 UTC
Babies are born with political stamps on their chests
alphabet blocks spell out P-O-L-I-T-I-C-S
Newborn minds are screwed together with nuts and bolts
programmed by their parent's hands and made to understand
the ideologies of policy and the philosophies of poetry.
It's like truth is like a lottery, you're born into your beliefs
There's nothing you can do to secede.
So we've painted the sky a hasty blue,
we've got no time for rainy days
Our stain-glass windows distort what we see
Billboards and golden arches take the place of shady trees
while we're gladly tethered to drive-thru windows
our belts loosen while the nooses on our necks close
and our wallets shrink and we buy with money we don't have.
We hide behind cardboard cut-outs
and put our heads on bodies of celebrities
Our faces are easels colored by people on t.v's
Paint my face what's new for fall, dress me up in city malls
Show me the me I want to be.