2008-09-19 14:36:33 UTC
by C.S.Scotkin
Dr. Albert Einstein said
ride a light beam in your head.
Something strange will happen.
(you might want flight insurance!)
Are you up and belted in?
It would be a real sin
To fall, upon the blast-off!
(you see what I mean about flight insurance!)
Now at cosmos’ speed limit
Whoa! Hold on! Wait a minute!
Something strange does happen.
(I don’t think I can get my money back!)
When you see me coming through
What you see is very blue
When you see me go I’m red.
(Don’t blame me, talk to Edwin Hubble!)
This little fact fills my head
Not without a little dread
I return, you may be dead.
(…wait, just a thought experiment!)
( whew)