2007-05-09 19:40:55 UTC
is it a sin to lust after girlfriend
in the middle of the afternoon on friday
is it wrong as A-l on fish to get good
and drunk after the middle of a lovely day
when you are bored with the dog
the computer and 316 channels on the tv
Y'all know 8 pm is the best time to watch
and after that raid the pantry
before it's time to sink into the pillow
think of nothing
at 2 pm there is nothing
i wanna see but my woman
coming after me
or another cup of java
and to hear the 1969
speaker blaster Almost Cut My Hair
where were we? well I was twelve
and I had to cut my hair
Today it is so pretty outside
I am prepared to wait until night before
I go completely headfirst.
Copyright Nightcrawler Works 2007