Teddy Barrett
2012-02-22 07:29:51 UTC
as I came up to the steps I saw a burning bush
I tried to place my order with the waiter at Grant's tomb
but he was already angry from being pushed
into taking orders from lady gaga who wanted more baboon
scraps for fido who kept screaming pass the loot
her hair and fishy eyes were turning mossy green to toe nail red
she just got done playing with some newt
when in comes the president being carried on a bed
saying free the slaves and hang the dog who tried to lick my boot
you better not come back here unless you see what I said
I could not believe the things there had turned to pure lead
Just as I saw the head alien duck into the room painted red
I screamed "Hey you there" before I had to think
he said his grandma was a little blue but then her cat had turned pink
what I heard really didn't make any cents
she said How about sending me some ice cream
and 40 miles of chrome plated electric fence
I said listen my aged woman have you no recompense
I barely have cheese on my trap and no way to pay the rent.
last thing I saw were aliens howling all my money has been spent
I told him It was just some bad govt. that's where it all went
when aliens run the white house
that's when were all gonna get skint
(This is not a mystery but an anomaly to the rule)