I'm writing a rude/silly song about my friend and I need to know what rhymes with his surname 'Robinson'?
2009-05-06 06:30:56 UTC
I need lots of things that rhyme with Robinson as unfortunately it's repeated in the chorus. It can be pretty much anything though - the random, possibly the better. 10 Pts for the winner and possibly even a copy of the song.
Nine answers:
2009-05-09 11:58:32 UTC
how about... I'll rob your mum

I'll nob your mum

ahha not meaning to offend anyone..
2009-05-06 13:40:59 UTC
Try a rhyming dictionary like the one below.
2009-05-06 13:33:55 UTC
Just find a word that rhymes with the ending, not the whole word.
2009-05-06 21:29:14 UTC
All of the following links contain words rhyming with Robinson, or something really close to rhyming:*on&loc=scworef&scwo=1&sswo=1&ls=a*an&loc=scworef&scwo=1&sswo=1&ls=a*en&loc=scworef&scwo=1&sswo=1&ls=a*in&loc=scworef&scwo=1&sswo=1&ls=a*un&loc=scworef&scwo=1&sswo=1&ls=a
Decode - .xo
2009-05-06 13:44:55 UTC
hop in son

job is done
time for change.
2009-05-08 19:56:24 UTC
Try the source..

It helped me write my poem :) ?

Speaking of which, could you please comment on it ?

2009-05-06 13:45:01 UTC
2009-05-06 15:14:28 UTC
How about GOB IN SONG ?
2009-05-09 23:44:57 UTC
Hope this helps!

aaron action airman akron alan allen

almsman ammon apron arson ashen ashton

asian aspen auction axman bacon bailsman

balkan bandsman banyan bargain barman baron

barren baseman basin bastian bastion batsman

batten beacon beaten beckon bedouin beechen

begun belgian bellman bergman bidden billion

birchen bison bitten blacken blazon blowgun

bludgeon boatman boatswain bobbin bodkin bondman

bondsman boston boughten bourbon bowman bracken

brahman brahmin brakeman brazen brethren breton

brian brighten brisbane britain briton broaden

brogan broken brooklyn bruin bullion bun

bunion bunsen bunyan burden burgeon burton

bushman button byron cabin caisson cajun

caldron calvin canaan cannon canon canyon

capstan captain caption carson carton cauldron

caution certain chainman chairman chaplain chaplin

charleston chasten cheapen chevron chicken chieftain

children chitin chosen christen christian churchman

citron clansman cloven coachman coarsen coffin

cohen colon common cordon corpsman cotton

cousin cowman coxswain cracksman craftsman craven

crayon cretin crewman crimson croton cuban

cumin curtain cushion dampen damson darken

darwin datsun dauphin dayton deacon deaden

deafen deepen demon dentin destine devon

diction dobbin doctrine dolman dolmen dolphin

done doorman dozen draftsman dragon driven

drunken dublin dudgeon dun dungeon dutchman

earthen earthman eastman eaten eden elfin

ellen engine ensign erin ermine even

faction falcon fallen famine fashion fasten

fatten felon fiction finespun fireman fission

flacon flagon flatten flaxen flection flexion

floorman foeman footman foreign foreman forerun

fortune fountain fraction franklin freeman frenchman

freshen freshman friction frighten frisian frozen

fun function fusion gallon gamin gammon

garden gawain german gherkin gibbon gibson

given gladden glisten gluten glutton gnomon

goblin godson golden goodman gordon gorgon

goshen gotten gownsman grandson grantsman gratin

graven grecian gremlin griffin grunion guardsman

gudgeon gulden gumption gun gunman hackman

haitian handgun hangman happen harden harken

harshen hasten haven haydn headsman hearken

hearten heathen heaven heighten helen hellion

helmsman hemin hempen henchman herdsman heron

hidden hoarsen hodgkin holden homespun horseman

houseman houston hoyden hudson human hun

huntsman huron hymen hyphen ibsen ion

jackson jargon jasmine jason javelin jerkin

jimpson johnson jordan junction kinsman kitchen

kitten klansman kremlin kuchen laden latin

layman leaden leaven legion lemon lengthen

lenin lenten lesion lessen lesson lichen

ligan lighten lignin liken limen lincoln

linden lineman linen linesman linin lion

lisbon listen liven logan london loosen

lotion lumen luncheon lupine lyon lysin

macron madden magsman maiden mammon mandrin

mansion margin marksman marlin marten martian

martin mason matron maudlin mayan meccan

mellon melon melvin mention merlin merman

midden million milton minion misdone mission

mitten mizzen moisten molten mormon morton

motion mountain muffin mullein mullion murrain

muslin mutton nation neaten newsman newton

nightman nippon noggin nomen none norman

norseman norton notion nubbin nun oaken

oarsman oaten ocean often olden omen

one onion open opsin option organ

orphan outdone outgun outrun oven oxen

paean pagan pardon parson passion patron

patten pecten pectin penguin penman pension

pepsin persian person pidgin pigeon pillion

pinion pinon pippin piston pitchman plainsman

plankton platen plenum ploughman plowman poison

pollen popgun poplin portion postman potion

pressman princeton prison proven prussian puffin

pullman pun purslane pylon python question

quicken quintan raglan raisin ramsden ranchman

rapine ration ratline raven reagan reason

reckon redden redone region reinsman rennin

rerun resin ribbon richen ridden ripen

risen riven robin roentgen roman rotten

roughen ruin run ruskin russian sabin

sadden saffron salesman salmon sanction sanguine

satan satin saxon saxton scaleman scallion

scansion scion scission scotchman scotian scotsman

scullion scutcheon seaman season section seisin

semen sequin sermon session seven sexton

shaken shaman sharpen shaven shetland shiftman

shipman shogun shorten shotgun showman shrunken

shun sicken silken simon siphon siren

slacken sleeken slogan sloven smarten smidgen

smidgeon smidgin smitten sodden soften solon

someone son sovereign spaceman spartan spavin

spoilsman spoken spokesman spongin sponsion sportsman

spun squadron stalin stallion stamen stanchion

staten statesman station steepen steersman steinmann

stephen stepson stetson steven stiffen stockman

stolen straighten straiten strengthen stricken stridden

striven strychnine stun sturgeon suasion suction

sudden sullen sultan summon sun sunken

surgeon suzerain sweden sweeten switchman swollen

swordsman syphon tacksman

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.