2008-05-27 14:28:05 UTC
i heart singing in the car with chase to hero/heroine.
this makes me very happy.
because i love singing like no one is listening.
it's amazing how one's perspective changes when they decide
that the only thing we can influence is this very moment,
and choose to use that moment to it's very fullest...
i heart acting like i'm in the army with hannah in my pantry.
this makes me feel blessed.
because everyone needs to be a little kid sometimes.
It’s not very often you can act like a complete dork with someone
and know that you will never regret it because
nothing can replace the fun you had…
i heart talking to my parents on their bed at night.
this makes me thankful.
because no matter how many times they tell me to go to my own bed
i know and they know that times like that is the most precious
of all and although we can’t stop time,
we know that time can’t stop us…
i heart the simplicity of everything.
this makes me feel peaceful.
because this reassures you that although the world is constantly changing,
the sky is the limit—for those who choose to not conform
and to dare
and to take risks
and to wake up and smell the coffee
and realize that life is…simply beautiful…when we decide it is.