2009-12-20 16:42:30 UTC
Throw them flocks a feather.
Feed your nestlings strings of worms;
Phallic father-figures strung together.
Make a monster in the bottles
Tipped over on tables.
Pretty is but never really was
Useful for shoveling out stables.
Oh, and it gets so very deep-
Way up over your bootstraps;
Recovery just a step away,
You turn and run to relapse.
Picture pin-up, cushioned pink,
Jewelry bought by strangers
May have bought the big new house,
But you left the kids in danger.
Uncles have that waxed-out look
When they come from your bedroom;
They never managed to detect the stench
That you covered with your perfume.
Fly on wings of doubt and curse
And swift drafts of inebriation,
Shove the flightless from your nest
Claiming no relation.
Birds of a fracture fail to figure
Morality into the equation;
It is a formula that sums up
Quantum perpetration.
Laugh in low seductive tones,
Long into the nighttime.
The secrets written on your sheets
Are with your spawn for a lifetime.
I was a shiny bright light hope
Until your son lit upon me;
Obliterated my innocence,
Streaming dreams behind me.
Disgraced not by the physical acts,
Rather by conspiracy to hide them,
A future of limitless 'what I will grow up to be's
All had self-destruction devices inside them.
Denial is hard to arrive at twice,
And I've tired of countless addictions;
My life-breath has been cut off every day
In the grip of your feather-boas' constriction.