2013-05-31 22:48:17 UTC
Poem 1. The Fugitive
As I sat up in a willow,
On the Murrumbidgee banks,
I saw the Trackers coming,
Looking for some signs,
Signs of my existence.
I looked for a way out,
Past their searching eyes,
But I couldn’t get away.
I saw them stop and talk,
Pointing in my direction,
They found my cove,
up amongst the willows.
They swam steadily across,
And pulled out their spears.
As they aimed at me,
I knew that this was it,
That they would get me,
And that I had no chance.
All of a sudden it hit me,
Piercing through the skin,
Cracking through my ribs,
And entering my heart.
That blow got me well,
As did the next one,
Penetrating through my eye,
Killing me instantly.
Now I knew I came to be
Known as the ghost,
The ghost of the Murrumbidgee.
Poem 2. A Lesson Learnt
As I rode down the hill,
A thought came to mind.
As I remembered old bill,
And his famous find.
He was a good man,
Before luck came his way.
He once had many fans,
But they turned away.
If you find some gold,
I’ll tell you what to do.
Keep it till your old,
And give it to your crew.
But old bill failed,
And now he’s dead.
He really got nailed,
To my good old shed.
As my mind blanked,
I looked ahead to see,
A ford hit my flank,
Making me hit my knee.
As Bills gold fell out,
Of my holey pocket,
My hip popped out,
Of its bloody socket.
That worthless ****,
From under my bed
Why didn’t I leave it sit?
Looks like I’m dead.
That rusty brown car,
Gave me some strife.
As I lay on that tar,
I ran out of my life.
Poem 3. The Flood
As I see the water rising
I run to higher ground.
I don’t know if I’ll make it
The cattle certainly wont
As I reach the top of the hill
I turn to see the damage
Bodies floating past me
In that swift deadly current.
Up above I stood
Looking over a sea
That ten minutes ago
Ceased to exist
The damage will be costly
But my life would be more
I hear the chopper coming
But will it get to me
I see a rusty car
With fish swimming inside
The water keeps a risin
Over the slippery muddy ground.
As I stumble on a rock
I look up to see a sight
The choppers dropping a rope
Looks like I may be saved.
As I reach that safety point
I turn and have a gaze
At that once beautiful landscape
Now a rotten mess.