Fr. Al
2008-07-30 12:57:47 UTC
Teardrops on my cheeks
Like rain in rivulets
Upon my face flowing down
Reaching to the soul of me.
When did the clouds roll in?
When the storm first begin?
Who will dam up this flow
Or shall it yet unceasing grow?
These tears that stain my cheeks
Bitter sorrow yet bespeaks
Loneliness my soul besets
With the rain in rivulets.
My face drawn in a sad frown
Seems like some opera clown
Painted there a foil to be
Where such joy I used to see.
Why should I let it be so?
Shall I yet no gladness know?
Soon again my world will spin
Sunshine o'er th dark will win.
Reaching from the soul of me
Rising so as not to drown
The sun of joy that never sets
Shines in a rainbow on my cheeks.
©June 17, 2008 Albert K. Jungers All rights reserved